Appreciating Kerala’s Institute of Driver Training and Research and Motor Vehicle Inspectors for Environmental Conservation Efforts

First and foremost, We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to Mr Saifudeen, Joint Director of the Institute of Driver Training and Research and all the Motor Vehicle Inspectors & Regional Transport Officers (RTO) enforcement of Kerala, especially to Mr Jayesh, Mr Appu, Mr Hari. Kerala has become a shining example of sustainability and environmental protection thanks to its tireless efforts towards environmental conservation and pollution control. Their dedication and hard work have been critical in making Kerala a leader in this field.

We appreciate the significant strides that Kerala has made towards environmental conservation and sustainability, earning it the well-deserved Moniker “God’s Own Country”. While many factors have contributed to this success, including government policies, community participation, and individual efforts, we must acknowledge the critical role played by motor vehicle inspectors in enforcing environmental regulations related to transportation and implementing pollution control measures on the road.

Kerala’s Institute of Driver Training and Research is another vital component of the state’s efforts to reduce the impact of transportation on the environment. By mandating training for drivers on how to control pollution, the Institute is playing an essential role in helping Kerala achieve its sustainability goals.

We join hands in the presence of Mr Shenin (Deputy General Manager, Orbiz Group of Companies) with the Institute of Driver Training and Research and the motor vehicle inspectors of Kerala in appreciation of their dedication and hard work towards environmental conservation. We hope these efforts will continue throughout the country, ensuring a sustainable future for generations.